Inca Tops - Peruvian Alpaca Yarn and Top company Destacado

Since its founding in 1965, INCA TOPS has developed, with great success, the production of alpaca tops and yarns with the best quality in the world. This has been achieved through innovative concepts and an ancient and noble tradition.

We now offer to the world tops and yarns in alpaca, wool and cotton, as well as special blends incorporating other noble fibres of unrivalled beauty and fine quality, aimed at the market for machine and hand-knitted fabrics.

We feel satisfaction in being able to provide jobs which directly benefit more than one thousand families and to help, through our Social Responsibility Programs, the progress of many more: small knitting companies and entrepreneurs, and, specially, rural families who make a living from alpaca farming.


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Inca Tops
Av. Miguel Forga N° 348, Parque Industrial, , Arequipa, Perú
Oficina Central
Oficina 2
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